Selling a Winnebago

Are you selling a Winnebago or just trying to sell a Winnebago? RV Buyers USA discusses in this article the troubles that come with selling a Winnebago.

Selling a Winnebago
If you are selling a Winnebago privately (seller to end buyer) you have to be a patient, dedicated and determined individual. The Winnebago name is one of the most recognized names in the RV industry for a reason. There are a lot of Winnebago’s that have been sold over the years. It is one of the most sold and purchased brand names in the RV industry. This means that if someone is specifically looking to buy a Winnebago, they have a lot of options when looking to buy a Winnebago. The fact that there are so many other options out there for someone looking to buy a Winnebago, selling privately will be a real challenge.

How much is my RV worth?
It is always hard to get an accurate approximate value of a used RV. There are some resources out there that are similar to KBB for cars but you have to pay to be able to use them. An RV has so many more things to consider that a car and a lot more surfaces than a normal vehicle. The fact that the tools have to take so many factors into consideration can make using an online tool to value your RV very inaccurate. Something else to take into 2consideration when valuing your RV is the popularity of your particular model. Some models are much less popular than others, so much so that manufacturers will give extra incentives to RV dealers to push certain RV’s that are not selling well. If you bought an RV that was less popular and were given a decent deal at an RV dealer, that model will depreciate at a much more rapid rate. It will be harder to sell privately and it will be harder to sell to a dealer too. RV’s can have a lot of upgrades too that make it hard for an online tool to calculate. What may have been a popular upgrade or look in 2002 may not necessarily be a popular upgrade or look in 2015. Each individual upgrade has it’s own depreciation rate too.

We recommend getting your own independent evaluation of your Winnebago so you have a better idea of what your RV may actually be worth. There are independent RV inspectors that can come out to check the condition of the RV. They are very thorough and are typically they are RV true experts. A vast majority of them are of course RV owners themselves. It is even recommended to take an extra step and hire a second inspector so you can see the difference in appraisal amounts. This can make you more money when you sell your RV but it can also save you months or even years waiting for a buyer. If the price you are trying to sell your RV is not within the right buying range no one will take an interest in buying the RV. The inspections by two separate, independent RV inspectors will also help you get top dollar for the Winnebago when you are trying to sell it.

Other Options to Consider When Selling
Now we have already discussed selling privately a little in this article, so we will touch on it a little bit and move onto your other selling options. Selling privately will almost always take a great deal of time. People are willing to travel to buy an RV, but getting your Winnebago in front of a broad geographic audience can be difficult without having to pay a decent amount of money to do so. Selling privately is usually a waiting game. You have to wait for an interested party to contact you and if they do contact you, most of them know that there are not a lot of potential buyers specifically seeking out your RV. This can give them leverage in negotiations.

Selling to an RV dealer is easy. Selling to one without feeling like you have just been kicked in the shins is a whole different story. RV dealers are in no hurry to buy and don’t need more RV’s. The only way they will be willing to buy your Winnebago is if you are willing to sell it for next to nothing. An RV dealer knows what their markup percentages are when they are selling new RV’s. Therefore they know what the true value of the RV was when it was new and more than likely how popular that make and the model was. An RV dealer is much more interested in selling a Winnebago than buying a Winnebago and the price they are willing to pay you will reflect this. I am sure we can all appreciate that they are in business to make money. Many years ago we thought to ourselves that there had to be a better way to sell a Winnebago.

There is a better way. Sell to an RV wholesale purchasing company. Yes, of course, we are biased, we are an RV wholesale company, but we have been through all of the same pains that an RV owner has gone through when trying to sell. We have sold RV’s privately and we have sold RV’s to a dealer. We know all of the pros and cons of each method of selling. We have had to learn those lessons the hard way. We know we can make selling a Winnebago an easier process for you. Here is how the process works.

  • Fill out the get appraisal form on our website
  • We will contact you about arranging an inspector to evaluate your RV
  • We will then make an offer on the RV based upon the inspection results
  • If you accept our offer we will then go through the financial processes

We finalize all sales in a manner that will make you, the seller, comfortable. Our goal is to make the process of selling your RV easier on you. Our company will then resell the Winnebago a way that we think is best suited for the RV. We sell privately and to RV dealers. Our vast knowledge and networking with hundreds of dealers allow us to maximize the sale of your RV in a way almost no one else can. If you want to get an appraisal you can go to our Get A Free Appraisal form on our website or you can go to our homepage for more information about our company.

Request A Free Appraisal

We will have one of our agents drive to your RV and do an inspection of the RV on the spot. Once inspected, the agent will usually pick up the RV and get cash in your hand fast.

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